[sorry for english mistake]
About Netbeans and SVG
Netbeans IDE give you a simple way for using SVG API in your mobile application. By using SVG tool include in Netbeans IDE, SVG User Interface look very simple to be implemented. in fact Netbeans have two tools for doing that, SVG Components and SVG Form Components. But the design of these components may not satisfy you if you like high quality design. In this tutorial, I want to show you how you can add your own SVG component in Netbeans palette and use it in your application without any problem.
Make your SVG file out of Netbeans
You can find many SVG editor software on the web. For mobile designing you can use Ikivo animator or Mobile Designer Beatware like you can see in this image.
the cursor move on.
[according to the software you use try to read the help for achieving this thanks]
I have also made a simple SVG animation that i will add to Netbeans palette.
You can download the 2 SVG animation of this tutorial here.
but.svg is the animation file for les button and gspirit.svg is the simple file logo's animation .
Work with Netbeans IDE
Put that two SVG files on your Netbeans mobile application project. Right Click the new SVG file node - copy - right click on the Netbeans palette - click palette manager - select Form components - right click - paste item. Your new item will appear. Now you can use it like all other Components deliver by Netbeans SVG Form Components palette.
Now create new SVG file on your project. name it "formCustom.svg" Drag and drop the new SVG form component item that you have just add to palette.
Drag and drop the but.svg file project node on the Netbeans SVG editor space. Now you must have something like this.
(x is an integer exemple:
<use x="-73" y="-50" xlink:href="#ipod.png"
transform="translate(-28.37,48.81) scale(0.625,0.65625)" id="button_1">
Do it for all the three buttons.
now go to your Visual Mobile Designer file - drag and drop the formCustom.svg file over the SVG form item on your work space. If evrething is good you must see your new button be recognized by Netbeans IDE.
You can Run the project and see how your new SVG UI can be more attractive than UI which only use SVG elements present in Netbeans.
Give your comments and suggestions.
Thank for reading.
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